Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What Would Have Happened if the Nazis Had Won WWII?

I have received a great opportunity from Inkshares to give The Remnants series a home in the traditional publishing world: the only difference with this model is that it is crowd-funded. I am following in the footsteps of Daniel Wallace (author of Big Fish) and will be one of the first to be published via this model if I succeed in my goal.
This means I can bring the VERY BEST possible copy of the The Remnants to you as I'll have professional support AND it will actually go to a physical book store (with the possibility of a film, etc. in the future!).

If you back it now (for as little a couple dollars), Inkshares will give me an additional $5. Plus, you get to provide your own input into the book along the way and get your own copy (or copies, depending on how many you want) when the book comes out.

Of course, you don't have to do this if you don't want to, but I thought I would spread the word!
This means that the release date WILL be pushed back, but that is only for the better (if you have already pre-ordered, you will get a refund)!

Find out more about the book, what you get as a backer and how to fund the book here.

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