Sunday, November 2, 2014

An Open Letter to Those Who Have Sent Me Nasty Messages RE: Zoella Beauty

Recently, I posted a couple of reviews giving my honest opinion on the Zoella Beauty range. Now, I don't mind getting "hate," but the way I received it was particularly unsettling. So if you're one of the people who were personally offended by my not saying all of Zoe's products were 5 stars, please read on.

Oh, hello there. Do you love YouTube? Me too! I'm so glad you're here and we're having this conversation. 

Do you love Zoella? That is great! I don't know Zoella personally, so I can't comment as to who she is outside of her YouTube persona. But she seems like a good person to look up to: she made herself a fortune, she doesn't smoke or drink or engage in irresponsible behavior. Good on you for picking a pretty good role model! I've enjoyed her video as well--and still watch them from time to time. She is pretty entertaining.

Were you personally offended by the fact that I didn't absolutely love every single product Zoe put out? Did you send me messages calling me an idiot or illiterate? Well, here is where your love for her (or anyone for that matter, especially people you don't know personally), gets a little out of hand.

Firstly, I run a blog and YouTube channel that isn't exclusively about beauty, but I do talk about it a great deal. As such, I am giving my personal opinions about each product. These are just that, my personal opinions. I don't love every product I try, and Zoe's range was no exception. True, I am not in her target demographic, yet I am simply trying to give an honest review for those who are curious about the products. Like any range, there are some things I liked more than others. Was her range totally awful? No, not at all--and I'm still using the Soak Opera on a daily basis. Some of the products just weren't for me. That doesn't mean they won't be for you, or that you can't have your own opinion about them.

It is great that you love Zoe so much. Honestly, it is. And when I was your age, there were lots of things I really loved. Like really loved, just like you love Zoella. And that is totally normal. But, it shouldn't impede your ability to think clearly and critically. Zoe is a person, just like you. And although you may not see them, she does have faults. She is not perfect and just because not everyone is falling all over themselves for her products, it doesn't mean they're a terrible person. It just means they have a different opinion than you do. And that's okay! 

Although I know Zoe is very glad for your support, I don't think she would be happy to have people harassing each other over a difference of opinion on her products. If I were in her shoes, that's the last thing I would want my fanbase to be doing to others.

Think before you speak. It is okay for people to have a different opinion than you do. As long as they're not hurting anyone, there is no need to be rude or nasty.

I'm so glad we had this conversation.

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  1. Esperanza GarciaNovember 2, 2014 at 9:24 AM

    Sometimes you just have to tell it like it is! :D

    1. Agreed! :)

  • Florianne MagnierNovember 2, 2014 at 1:46 PM

    Don't listen to that paticular type of person. I thought that you're honest opinion were helpful ! I prefer someone who tell the truth about products than someone that says the products are great because she like the person who made it !
    ( I hope my message is clear. If not, sorry I'm french)

    1. Your message is perfectly clear, don't worry. And I agree with seems like with some of these really famous people, you're unable to get a real review because everyone just LOVES it because they like her.

  • Some of her fans seem a bit obsessive it's pretty unnerving as a lot of them are under 16! I enjoyed your video review of her products and it didn't stop me purchasing any of them to try for myself. At the end of the day it is your personal opinion.
    Reinventing Neesha ♥

    1. Agreed Neesha. I do remember being quite obsessive over things when I was young, but I don't remember berating people for not liking the same people I did. I dunno, maybe I would have if I had the Internet, but it is all very strange to me. My favorite authors put out books I don't enjoy and my favorite designers put out clothing and bags I don't like and my favorite make-up brands put out products I'm not too fond of. It's just the way it goes. You don't have to love everything just because you're obsessed with the person who made it.

  • So sorry you had to deal with this. People are so silly, when they can hide behind the anonymity of the internet. I've experienced this sort of drama, doing reviews myself. Good for you, speaking up about it!

    1. Thanks Sarah! can I have a link to your reviews? I'd love to see them. I don't mind hate because I know any time you do YouTube/blogging you're going to get critics/haters. But it bothers me how nuts they are if that makes sense--blindly defending someone they've never met or don't really know. And like I said, you can love someone/their persona and not love everything they put out.

    2. There are some very fierce, and fanatical fans out there! And a lot of narrow minded opinions when it comes to product or company loyalty. It's insane! Aw thanks! I mostly do reviews for nail polish; [], but there is also some bath, and beauty reviews listed under the labels in my sidebar. I just got ordered some lovely products from Bumblesoaps that I want to get up on the blog very soon. :)

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