Saturday, August 9, 2014

Favorites From the Sidebar: The Weekly Roundup

Nicole at Treasure Tromp: 9 International Shows to Binge Watch
Photo copyright Nicole at Treasure Tromp
I actually met Nicole during our undergrad years. We sat near one another in a Psychology 101 class, and I think may have even done a report together. Fast forward years later and both of us have ended up country hopping and doing our PhDs and have reconnected in the blogging world. Nicole's love of international travel and culture makes her blog one of my favorites--and her post on 9 International Shows to Binge Watch has been my absolute favorite. I love finding new TV shows, especially ones out of the American and British realm. And since she included one of my favorites, the Australian comedy Summer Heights High, this post had to be mentioned.

Caity at Where the Heart Is: Fab Four Friday
Image copyright Caity at Where the Heart Is
Caity is an American expat in the UK like me, and every Friday she talks about everyone's favorite band: the Beatles. This week's post has Caity discussing the famous Abbey Road photo shot and telling us all about the history of it. As I'm a major fan of both The Beatles and history, this post was my pick on her blog this week. Click here for the post.

Shruti at Beautyholic Confusion: Jewliq Ear Jacket

Image copyright Shruti at Beautyholic Confusion
Last Weekly Roundup had Shruti contemplating purchasing one of these ear jackets. She took the plunge and ordered it and shows us exactly what it looks like in this latest post. I have never really seen an ear jacket before, but I must admit, it looks pretty awesome (and a little bit edgy!). Go to Shruti's blog to check out how it looks on!

I'll be highlighting more sponsor posts next week, so stay tuned. :)

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1 comment:

  1. Caity O'ShaughnessyAugust 11, 2014 at 1:26 AM

    Thanks for the shout out! :D

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