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Friday, September 4, 2015

Photo and Instagram Hacks

Do you want to up your photo or Instagram game? I've got you covered with a few of my top tips. I know I'm not the best photographer around, but I am trying to up my game and pay attention to the best ways of creating backgrounds and the perfect photo.


Have you ever wondered why so many bloggers seem to have a marble table or other beautiful backgrounds to photograph their objects? Well, most of them don't. In fact, All I have is a marble cupboard lining, which you can find at B&Q or any hobby store here in the UK. In the States, they'll be hiding out in Home Depot or Michael's.

Go have a look at the selection and pick up one or two of your favorites. Usually they're quite cheap, under £5 ($7), which is a lot cheaper than a marble table or marble counter tops!

Here's the finished product of one of The Body Shop products on the marble cupboard lining.

Use Props

Just photographing an object can end up being quite boring on the eyes, so add something to spice it up. You can use candles, flowers (I use faux peony bouquets I purchased for less than £4 each on Amazon), pretty greeting cards, ribbons, or anything else. Go to the craft store and have a look at what strikes your fancy. In the following picture, I've just used some confetti to help liven up the photograph. The confetti was less than £2 on Amazon and matches some of the bouquets I have. It is reusable and a great way to jazz up photos. I also have a selection of dried rose petals intended to be thrown at weddings that I bought for about £4 on Amazon that also work well to liven up pictures.

See how much more boring that would be without the confetti and marble lining? It adds a pop of color around the popsicle and the cupboard lining makes everything one uniform color without it drowning out with white.

Table confetti.

Using Non-Mobile Pictures on Instagram

This may be a no-brainer to many bloggers, but it took me a long time to figure this out. If I want to take a picture with my DSLR and upload it to my Instagram, I can do that relatively easily. What you can do is take the photo, and edit it to your specifications and then upload it either via HootSuite or Gramblr.  To ensure that it is a perfect fit, your photos need to be 1080 x 1080.

You can also email the photo to yourself and download it to your phone, keeping the mobile in Instagram. You can also ensure that the photo is going to look exactly as you want it on a mobile device and use the Instagram filters. This is my preferred method, but it is up to you!

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  1. This is great, I need to get me some of that marble liner!

    1. It is absolutely fantastic! x

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  • Amazing article, I've been thinking of upgrading the quality of my photos. I have been using laminate flooring but it can be quite dark. I love the props idea too :) Thank you x

    1. Of course! x

  • So going to get a marble square now!! :)

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