I am looking for 3-4 guest blog posts for my blog. They can be holiday themed or not...it's up to you. My blog focuses on fashion, beauty, lifestyle and personal anecdotes and I would allow publication on any of these topics. I have been having health issues recently and would like to keep my blog going! My demographic is women ages 18-35, almost 50/50 between 18-24 and 25-35. Please keep that in mind when pitching me a topic. I am not super picky, though and I know you are doing me a huge favor so as long as it falls within that category, I will most likely accept it.
According to Google analytics, I have 10,000 visitors per month with about 3800 uniques. There will be no pay (ugh, THE WORST), but I will clearly label you and your blog.
If you are interested, email me at annajamiescanlon@gmail.com with a pitch and link to your blog. You will own all content and you can feel free to repost on your own blog at a later date. You can read more about my stats
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