Anna in Wonderland

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to Try Not to Lose Your Mind with Lupus Weight Gain

Lupus Weight Gain

It's no secret that I'm not thin. I've never really been fat either, although "thick" is a word that has been used to describe me. For most of my adult life, I have been on the bigger end of the "normal" BMI scale, something that has always haunted me. And for most of my adult life, I have wanted to lose 30lbs.

I grew up in a house and wider culture that valued and values thinness.  I always knew, and was often told, that I wasn't heavy, but that I could be thinner. You know, if I wanted to.

This is part of a post on New Life Outlook, a website I also post on. However, this is pretty personal so I wanted to share it. Click on the read more tab to read the rest of the article.

 (if you are having trouble with the above image)

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