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Friday, August 14, 2015

Preet of Laze Sundaze on Life, Blogging and Everything in Between

Today I'm interviewing Preet from Laze Sundaze, who was one of my sponsors last month. Preet has just started blogging, but she's absolutely gorgeous and shares some great tips already!

1) Tell me a little bit about your blog:
My blog is a lifestyle, beauty and fashion related. I started this blog because I enjoy writing and found it to be my creative outlet in between being a full time accountant.

2) What is one of your favorite blog posts you'd done? 
My favorite blog post I have done is "5 Must Visit places in the world". I always enjoy reading travel blogs as I love travelling, so sharing my favorite places that I have traveled to hopefully gave some ideas to people looking for a place to visit!

3) What is your favorite film? 
My favorite film is White Chicks (don't judge haha). This is the only movie that has made me laugh hysterically. It's definitely my go-to pick-me-up movie to watch.

4) What is your favorite music group?
I don't really have a favorite music group, but I LOVE Beyonce.

5) Do you have any unique or hidden talents? 

6) What's your vice? 
I hate confrontations with people, so I try to ignore the situation and take it out of my mind for as long as possible. Sometimes that can do a lot of damage!

7) Who is your favorite blogger?
Zoella! Been following her since the beginning, she's such an inspiration:)

8) What is your favorite city? 
Vancouver, Canada. I might be a little biased  though. ;)

9) What's something (you don't mind sharing) that not a lot of people know about you?
I would like to think my life is quite an open nothing?

10) Where can we find you on social media? 
Instagram: Lazesundaze, Twitter: Preetaujlaa and my blog of course!

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